

  1. Yoshie F (2000) Bud structures of perennial herbs in northern cool-temperate regions of Japan. Bulletin of the Association for natural Science, Senhu University No.31:45-59.
  2. 加藤悦史 2000. 冷温帯落葉広葉樹林における樹木の開花と結実, 森の自然史 (複雑系の生態学) 菊沢喜八郎・甲山隆司編 18-29. 北海道大学図書刊行会
  3. 岸 大助.2000.流域における森林施業が河川のオショロコマ密度に及ぼす影響.北海道大学大学院農学研究科修士論文. 25pp.
  4. 小池文人・日浦勉(2000)林冠研究の意義と方法. 日本生態学会誌50:57-59. (Koike, F. and Hiura, T. (2000) Significance of forest canopy research and methods for accessing the tree crown. Japanese Journal Ecology 50: 57-59.)
  5. 切替眞智子・波多野隆介 : 外部NH4+が各種森林土壌A層の硝酸化成に及ぼす影響,土肥誌, 71, 63~71(2000)
  6. 日浦勉(2000)ジャングルジムで樹冠にアプローチする. 日本生態学会誌50:76-79. (Hiura, T. (2000) Access to tree crowns by a canopy jungle-gym system. Japanese Journal Ecology 50: 76-79.)
  7. 和田直也. 2000. "ミズナラの実生定着と空間分布を規定する昆虫と野ネズミ"(第8章執筆,pp. 108-119)「森の自然史」(菊沢喜八郎・甲山隆司 編著).北海道大学図書刊行会,札幌.
  8. 和田直也. 2000. コナラのアルビノ実生. 植物地理・分類研究, 48: 100-101.
  9. Maeno, H. and Hiura, T. (2000) The effects of leaf phenology of overstory trees on the reproductive success of an understory shrub, Staphylea bumalda DC. Canadian Journal of Botany 78: 781-785.
  10. 田中夕美子(2000) 乱流変動法によるCO2フラックス観測, 日本農業気象学会北海道支部大会講演要旨集, 2000:56-59.
  11. 田中夕美子, 石川信敬, 児玉裕二 (2000) 落葉広葉樹林における潜熱配分の特徴と蒸発散量評価, 日本農業気象学会北海道支部大会講演要旨集, 2001:140-141.


  1. Yoshie F (2001) Note on photoperiodic response of flowering in some temperate perennial herbs. Bulletin of the Association for Natural Science, Senshu University No.32:63-65.
  2. 切替眞智子・波多野隆介 :ミミズが森林土壌表層の硝酸化成およびプロトン生成に及ぼす影響, 土肥誌, 72, 790~792(2001)
  3. 鍋嶋絵里 2001 Interactive effects of herbivory and light condition on induced defense and photosynthesis in Quercus crispula. 北海道大学農学研究科修士論文
  4. 日浦勉(2001)森と川、それぞれの役割と相互作用-フィールドステーションで生物多様性と生態系機能を調べる-. 科学71: 67-76 (Hiura, T. (2001) Forest and stream, its roles and interactions. Science Journal KAGAKU71: 67-76.)
  5. Hiura, T. (2001) Stochasticity of species assemblage of canopy trees and understory plants in a temperate secondary forest created by major disturbances. Ecological Research 16: 887-893.
  6. Nakano, S. and Murakami, M. (2001) Reciprocal subsidies: Dynamic onterdependence between terrestrial and aquatic food web, Proceedings of the National Academy of Siences of the United States of America, 5:166-170.
  7. Murakami, M. and Nakano, S. (2001) Species-specific foraging behavior of birds in a rioarian forest, Ecological Research, 16:913-923.
  8. Nabeshima,E. Murakami, M. and Hiura,T.(2001) Effects of Herbivory and Light Conditions on Induced Defense in Quercus crispula, Journal of Plant Research, 114:403-409.
  9. 河口洋一, 中野繫 (2001) Contribution of terresrial invertebrates to the annual resource budget for salmonids in forest and grassland reaches of a headwater stream, Freshwater Biology, 46(3):303-316.


  1. Kitahashi, Y., Maruyama, Y., Koike, T. (2002) Water relation of deciduous broad-leaved trees in different crown position. Trans. Hokkaido Br., Jpn. For. Soc. 50: 20- 22 (in Japanese).
  2. 宮崎祐子 2002 ハクウンボクにおける繁殖器官への資源分配. 北海道大学農学研究科修士論文
  3. 小菅 祥二. 2002. 異なる光環境下における冷温帯林床植物の繁殖成功と繁殖特性の比較 北海道大学 地球環境科学研究科 修士論文 (Comparison of reproductive success and traits of understory herbs in a cool-temperate forest under differentlight conditions. Master thesis, Graduate School of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University).
  4. 切替眞智子:森林表層土壌における窒素の動態に伴う酸の生成および消費の解析,北海道大学大学院農学研究科博士論文,117p. (2002)
  5. 長谷川功. 2002 外来サケ科魚類と在来サケ科魚類の競争関係 北海道大学農学研究科卒業論文
  6. 北岡哲.2002 カラマツ不成績造林地に侵入した落葉広葉樹稚樹の光利用特性 (Seasonal changes of light utilization capacity in deciduous broad-leaved tree seedlings invaded into a larch plantation).北海道大学農学研究科修士論文
  7. Miyazaki, Y., Hiura, T., Kato, E. and Funada, R. (2002) Reproductive allocation of storage matter in Styrax obassia in a masting year. Annals of Botany 89: 767-772.
  8. Kobayashi, T., Umehara, T., Uratsuka, S., Nadai, A., Mitsuzuka, N., Sawada, H., Maeno, H., Satake, M., Wakabayashi, H., Hiura, T. (2002) Tree height estimation by airborne interferometric SAR. ISTS 12: 1-3.
  9. Ishida, K. and Hiura, T. (2002) Mating system and population genetic structure of an androdioecious tree, Fraxinus lanuginosa in northern Japan. Heredity 88: 296-301.
  10. Murakami, Masashi (2002) Foraging mode shift in forest insectivorous birds, Ornithorogical Science, 1:63-69.
  11. Murakami, M. and Nakano, S. (2002) Indirect effect of aquatic insect emergence on terrestrial herbivore population through bird predation, Ecology Letters, 5:333-337.


  1. Murakami, M. and Hiura, T. (2003) Cranes in temperate forests: Tomakomai Experimental Forest, pp90-97. In: Studying forest canopies from above: The international canopy crane network. (Edited by Basset, Y., Horlyck, V. and Wright, S.J.), Smithonian tropical research institute.
  2. Miyake, Y., Hiura, T., Kuhara, H., and Nakano, S. (2003) Succession in a stream invertebrate community: A transition in species dominance through colonization. Ecological Research 18: 493-501.
  3. Iwata, T., Nakano, S. and Murakami, M. (2003) Stream meander increases insectivorous bird abunanc in riparian deciduous forests, Ecograpy, 26:325-337.
  4. Kishi, D., Murakami, M., Taniguchi, Y. and Nakano, S. (2003) Effect of the forestry on the stream temperature and thraml restriction for stream resident Dolly Varden Salvelinus malma, Ecological Research, 19:283-290.
  5. Kishi,D. and Maekawa, k. (2003) Potential smolting ability of stream-dwelling Dolly Varden, Fisheries Science, 69:1301-1302.
  6. Hirano, T., Kim, H. and Tanaka, Y. (2003) Long-term half-hourly mrasuerment of soil CO2 concentration and soil respiration in a temperate deciduous fost, Journal of Geophysical Researchm180(D20):4631-4643.
  7. 森一也 (2003) トドマツ幼樹個体における当年生シュート成長とその環境応答,北海道大学大学院地球環境科学研究科修士論文
  8. 上杉あかね(2003) Expanding effects of stream-driven allochthonous subsides on watershed bird communities, 北海道大学大学院地球環境科学研究科修士論文


  1. Ishii, H., Tanabe, S. and Hiura, T. (2004) Exploring the relationship between canopy structure, stand productivity and biodiversity of natural forest ecosystems: Implications for conservation and management of canopy ecosystem functions. Forest Science 50: 342-355.
  2. Nabeshima, E. and Hiura, T. (2004) Size dependency of photosynthetic water and nitrogen use efficiency and hydraulic limitation in Acer mono. Tree Physiology 24: 745-752.
  3. Fukui, D., Agetsuma, N. and HILL David A (2004) Acoustic identification of eight species of bat (Mammlia: Chiroptera) inhabiting forests of southern Hokkaido, Japan: potential for conservation monitoring, Zoological Seience, 21:933-947.
  4. Hasegawa, K., Yamamoto, T., Murakami, M. and Maekawa, K.(2004) Comparison of competitive ability between native and introduced salmonids: evidence from pairwise contests, Inchyological Research, 51:191-194.
  5. Kashizaki Akira (2004) Diversity, vertical distrlbution and seasonality of light-trapped forest coleopterans in Tomakomai Experimental Forest, hokkaido University, 北海道大学病院農学研究科修士論文
  6. Miyaka, Tatsuaki (2004) The arboreal beetle community of oak trees in temperrate forests: Mechanisms of its regularity, 北海道大学大学院地球環境科学研究科修士論文
  7. Kubota, Emiko (2004) Within-sporophore relationships and fungal age effects in fungal-breeding drosophilids, 北海道大学大学院地球環境科学研究科修士論文
  8. Tani, Tomokazu (2004) Growth strategy of tall-herbaceous species of tha seasonally-flucutuating light environments under cool-temperate deciduous forests, 北海道大学大学院地球環境科学研究科修士論文
  9. 森洋祐 (2004) シウリザクラノ雌雄繁殖成功とクローン構造,北海道大学大学院地球環境科学研究科修士論文
  10.  大澤健(2004) 根萌芽を行うシウリザクラ Prunus ssiori の個葉特性変異と食害パターン,北海道大学大学院地球環境科学研究科修士論文


  1. Miyake, Y., Hiura, T. and Nakano, S. (2005) Effects of frequent disturbance on     diversity of stream invertebrates mediated by high mobility. Archivfur Hydrobiologie 162: 465-480.
  2. Shibata, H., Hiura, T., Tanaka, Y., Koike, T. and Takagi, K. (2005) Carbon cycling and budget at a forested basin in southwestern Hokkaido, northern Japan. Ecological Research 20: 325-331.
  3. Hiura, T. (2005) Aboveground biomass and net biomass increment in a cool temperate forest on a landscape scale. Ecological Research 20: 271-277.
  4. Kaneko, N., Sugawara, Y., Miyamoto, T., Hasegawa, M. and Hiura, T. (2005) Oribatid mite community structure and tree species diversity: A link? Pedobiologia 49: 521-528.


  1. Oguchi, R., K. Hikosaka, T. Hiura and T. Hirose(2006)Light acclimation of photosynthesis and leaf anatomy in woody seedings in response to gap formation in a cool-temperate deciduous forest. Oecologia 149: 571-582.
  2. 福井大,村上正志,中野繁,青井俊樹(2006) Effect of emergent aquatic insects on bat foraging in a riparian forest, Journal of Animal Ecology, 75:1252-1258.
  3. 稲荷尚記(2006) Pollination network mediated by bumblebees in cool-temperate forsts, northern Japan, 北海道大学大学院地球環境科学研究科博士論文
  4. 萬屋宏(2006) Top-down effects of parasitoids on mycophagous drosophilid community, 北海道大学大学院地球環境科学研究科博士論文
  5. Iwamoto Jiro(2006) Spatial-scale dependence of windtrow-disturbance effects on forest avian and invertebrate communities, 北海道大学大学院地球環境科学研究科修士論文


  1. Hikoska, K., Nabeshima, E. and Hiura, T. (2007) Seasonal changes in the relationship between photosynthesis and temperature in canopy leaves of Quercus crispula in a cool-temperate forest. Tree Physiology 27: 1035-1041.
  2. Nagamitsu,T., Tanaka, K., Inari,N., Horita,H., Goka,K. and Hiura, T.(2007) Foraging interactions between native and exotic bumblebees: enclosure experiments using native flowering plants, journal of Insect Conservation,11:123-130.
  3. Okabe,F. and Agetsuma,N.(2007) Habitat use by introduced raccoons and native raccoon dogs in a northern deciduous forest on Hokkaido Island,Japan, Journal of Mammalogy,88(4),1090-1097.
  4. 宮崎祐子,日浦勉,船田良(2007) Allocation of photo-assimilated 13C from reproductive and non-reproductive shoots to fruits in Styrax obassia, Plant Species Biology, 22:53-57.
  5. 田中健太,稲荷尚記,永光輝義,五箇公一,日浦勉(2007) Commercialized European bumblebee can cause pollonation disturbance: An experiment on seven native plant species in Japan, BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION, 134(3):298-309.
  6. 上杉あかね,村上正志(2007) Do seasonally fluctuating aquatic subsidies influence the distribution pattern of birds between riparian and upland forests?, Ecological Research, 22:274-281.
  7. Murakami, M., Hirano, T. and Ichie, T. (2007) Comparison of lepidopteran larval communities among tree species in a temperate decidus forest, Japan, Ecological Entomology, 32:613-620.
  8. Hirao, T., Murakami, M., Kashizaki, A. and Tnanabe, S. (2007) Additive apportioning of lepidopteran and coleopteran species diversity across spatial and temporal scales in a cool-temperate deciduous forest in Japan, Ecological Entomology, 32:627-636.


  1. Nabeshima, E. and Hiura, T. (2008) Size dependency of water and nitrogen use in photosynthesis and hydraulic conductance in three Acer species with different maximum sizes. Ecological Research 23: 281-288.
  2. Nakamura, M., Hina, T., Nabeshima, E. and Hiura, T. (2008) Does spatial variation in leaf traits and herbivory within a canopy respond to selective cutting and fertilization? Canadian Journal of Forest Research 38: 1603-1610 .
  3. Oguchi, R., Hikosaka, K., Hiura, T. and Hirose, T. (2008) Costs and benefits of photosynthetic light acclimation in response to gap formation in Kalopanax pictus Nakai. Oecologia 155:665-675.
  4. Eguchi, N., Morii,N., Ueda,T., Funada,R., Takagi, K., Hiura,t., Sasa,K. and Koike,T.(2008) Changes in petiole hydraulic properties and leaf water flow in birch and oak saplings in a CO2-enriched atmosphere, Tree Physiology,28:287-295.
  5. Kogure,Shinichiro(2008) Indirect effects of experimental whole defoliation of canopy oak tree on herbirorous insect community through changes in host plant traits: consequences for tow years, 北海道大学環境科学院修士論文
  6. Hirano, T. and Murakami, M. (2008) Quantitarive food webs of lepidopteran leafminers and their parasitoids in a Japanese deciduous forest, Ecological Research, 23:159-168.
  7. Murakami, M., Ichie, T. and Hirano, T. (2008) Beat-diversity of lepidopteran larval communities in Japanese temperate forest: effects of phenology and tree species, Ecological Research, 23:179-187.
  8. Hirano, T., Murakami, M., Iwamoto, J., Hino, T. and Oguma, H. (2008) Scale-dependent effects of windthrow disturbance on forest arthropod communities, Ecological Research, 23:189-196.
  9. Hirano, T., Murakami, M. and Oguma, H. (2008) Functional spatial scale of community composition change in response to windthrow disturbance in a deciduous temperate forest, Ecological Research, 23:249-258.


  1. Matsunaga, S. N., A. B. Guenther, J. P. Greenberg, M. Potosnak, M. Papiez, T. Hiura, S. Kato, S. Nishida, P. Harley and Y. Kajii (2009) Leaf level emission measurement of sesquiterpenes and oxygenated sesquiterpenes from desert shrubs and temperate forest trees using a liquid extraction technique. Geochemical Journal 43: 179-189.
  2. Takafumi, H. and Hiura, T. (2009) Effects of disturbance history and environment on the diversity and productivity of forest floor plants in a cool temperate forest. Forest Ecology and Management 257: 843-857.
  3. Yorozuya,Hiroshi (2009) Effect of nematode parasitism on mycophaous drosophilid species in northern Japan. Entomological Science, 12(4):363-369.
  4. Kitaoka,S.,Watanabe Y. and Koike T, (2009)  The effects of cleared larch cannopy and nitrogen supply on gas exchange and leaf traits in deciduous broad-leafed tree seedlings,Tree Physiology,29;1503-1511.
  5. Kitaoka,S., WatanabeM.,Watanabe,M.,Kayama,M.,Nomura,M., and Asasa,K. (2009)  Growth of regenerated tree seedlings associated with microclimatic change in a mature Larch plantation after hatvesting,Landscape and Ecological Engineering,(5);137-145.
  6. Sasaki,Fumito (2009) 冬虫夏草カメムシタケの寄主,形態および遺伝的特性に関する研究,北海道大学演習林研究報告,66(1);33-57.
  7. 白崎智大(2009) 落葉広葉樹2種の一次枝集団動態,北海道大学環境科学院修士論文
  8. Yamamoto, Kana (2009) Indirect effects of a high-level predator, Sorex unguiculatus (Soricidae, Mammalia), on a microbial community in soil ecosystem of a cool temperate forest in Hokkaido, Graduate School of Environmental Science, 修士論文